The main gains of this trip to my beloved homeland is to meet with my employee and enjoy flexible, relaxed schedules.
De-clutter from brain-clogging stuff from the last two semesters in grad school!
Should entrepreneur go to school to be a one? Last year, I would have said, "Yes, yes! Absolutely!". And now, I don't know anymore if I can say so. What I know is that if one wants to be an entrepreneur and an activist, aka, a social entrepreneur, graduate education is precious. Although I was slaving myself to afford DC living, I got so much out of the human rights course I took and founding and running a brand-new student organization. [Hell I can always find work for myself. The sky is the limit.] Now, it's time to process it all. I am processing courses that did not apply so much but open up doors in my mind, and human rights discourse that pushed me beyond my previous intellectual limits. I am processing an up-and-coming business partnership that gets me so excited that all I think about is shoes, shoes, shoes. I am processing this overwhelmingly optimistic outlook of the social business that was going to go nowhere without my precious friendship with my employee/colleague.
Isn't all beautiful when all of your employees have the best interest of your organization?
Well guess what?! I got one. We had our first working meeting today and ... expand!!
She is offering her nationwide connections to delegate our work with such an innovative model of financing and decentralizing work, which I have yet shared -- a solution that I'd offer to those operating in countries with high youth unemployment rates.
She is ready to travel and conquer, recruit and train, and execute and expand!
Compensation is no problem to me, though I have to beg to ask others to help with my other business that's the source of funds for this one venture. It's all worth it!
De-clutter and expand away ...